This site is to showcase my work as a growing photographer in the automotive and sports car world! Here you will see the most recent events I have been to. Each event the site will be updated to be current. So please! If you like what you see, don’t be afraid to share! If you see your photo featured above, it’s because it was the highlight of the year.
Hello! Above you will find the featured highlighted photos of this year’s events. These are specifically picked to show case my best work and to show off these beautiful pieces of machinery that their owners put a lot of time in to. Please if you do not see your photo up above, it does not mean I don’t absolutely appreciate your hard work, this is my life’s hard work going into these photos and the are the ones’ I am most proud of! Be on the look out because this page will be updated each month with new photos to be highlighted!
My name is Ashley Vallarino. I currently reside in the little town of Lodi, CA. I have been photographing for 20 years now, and sports photography has been my new niche´. I am still in the process of bettering myself as a sports photographer as I am an amateur. I have a lot of room to grow and hope to capture the most amazing pieces of work that these men and women put their heart and souls into.
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